Written by: Cait Elizabeth - August 2018
Edited by: Travis Ryan
Few bands on Long Island draw such a dedicated and loving crowd as Necter does. Anytime they hit the stage, there is a group of fans just singing their hearts out mere feet away. Singer, songwriter, and string player Sam Raia describes them as "Peachy, infectious bright aggressive sound, juxtaposed with hard-hitting lyrics." The four-piece band is comprised of Sam Raia (vocals, guitar, uke), Brianna Martinsen (vocals, guitar, uke), Kieran Perdie (bass), and Ryan Cullinane (drums). Sam became friends with Kieran in high school, and she's known Bri nearly as long; they met through family when she was 15. They started playing music together casually, taking it more seriously and putting the polish on their songs by 2016. Just this past year, Necter filled out their family with the addition of Ryan holding down the drums. The four-piece has released its debut album At The Core, a three-track EP entitled Bruise Your Ego, and a recently released single “Woe” available for streaming and physical purchase. “Woe” is their latest baby and a current favorite to play, bright and boppy and perfect to let loose to. You are doing yourself a disservice if you miss out on a live performance of “Seasons” though, especially when they throw in a twist by adding an ode to The Cranberries with some “Zombie” flavor.
One of Necter's favorite shows was the send off party for the Samurai Pizza Cats at Katie's in Smithtown. The Cats were hitting the road for their Binge Thinking tour in their feisty gas-guzzler, affectionately named Barb. Necter was joined on stage by some of the Samurai Pizza Cats’ horn section for their song Demons. Things came full circle for the peach family that night, as they had nearly approached the Cats while recording Demons, even before meeting them officially. With both bands collaborating, Necter finally got to hear the exact arrangement they had always envisioned.
Some of their best memories as a band were in the first couple days after Ryan signed on. Their new drummer had a trial by fire, playing three or four shows in the span of 45 hours. That much pressure must have forged quite the bond between the four members.
Necter has an upcoming benefit show for their unofficial canine mascot Katrina, who resides with Sam Raia. Katrina has spent a rough year bouncing back and forth between vets trying to find out what was causing some alarming symptoms. The poor lovely pup has polyps that need to be surgically removed. As it will be a very costly surgery, Necter and friends are hoping to raise money to cover Katrina's surgery. A private house show will host several bands, tarot reading, and live artists. If you would like to donate to Katrina's fund you will find the link here: Katrina's Fundraiser!
Necter shipped out on a two week tour in March of 2018 starting in Austin, Texas and winding their way back home from Florida through the Carolinas, New Jersey, and upstate New York. They are excited to be planning some weekend tours in October touching down in Philly, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Delaware.
Necter draws inspiration from own life experiences and from the sound of bands like Local Natives, Hellogoodbye, Bayside, Paramore, Manchester Orchestra, and Pool Kids.
Sam and Brianna are well-versed in musical pop culture and you can count on them to know all the words from the classic ‘90s/early ‘00s pop and R&B songs. P!nk, TLC, Beyoncé or Salt-n-Pepa, they are always prepared for car karaoke when they head out for tour.
In a world where the road always seems pretty bumpy, Necter's unique happysad music is easy to relate to. They blend together the positive, hopeful melodies and the slightly bitter, sometimes morbid lyrics. It leaves you feeling like you wrestled that dark cloud on your shoulder off and can finally take a deep breath. Feels like hitting the pit in your peach makes the fruit all the sweeter.
“We know life takes you through some garbage phases and life isn’t always positive and you can’t just put on a happy face and pretend life’s just ‘happy vibes’. We think it’s important to feel what you’re feeling but know you’re not alone. We all go through stuff like that, and while that’s upsetting, it’s also strangely comforting that you’re not the only one.